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Showing Up For Others: The Importance of Simply Being There

Showing Up For Others: The Importance of Simply Being There

From my experiences, when I’ve had to deal with negative or unpleasant situations, the most memorable experiences have been a warm and kind gesture, where someone is simply showing up and showing concern.

Of course a kind word or two are also meaningful, but unfortunately there is no perfect script – every circumstance is different, but putting forth an effort to be there is to me the ultimate act of kindness.

Let’s say my friend Sally has lost her husband. I cannot even fathom what that would feel like – (I’m blessed to have my husband with me) – and I couldn’t even attempt to come up with the precise words to make her feel better, because they don’t exist.

Instead of fumbling with consoling words, I would choose to let her know that I’m here for her, I support her, I love her and I will continue to be there for her.

A heartfelt gesture of simply showing up will be forever remembered and greatly appreciated.

Think about this and the next time you are confronted with a circumstance that requires special attention, try a heartfelt gesture instead of kind platitudes.

No one knows what another person is really going through – but creating a memorable act of compassion by being present is worth its weight in gold and is definitely a Beyond Common act.


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