Profit First drives Growth and Success

What to do about the most dangerous place in your company!
What if I told you there was a place inside your business that drains you and your company of revenues, increases your costs, and sometimes even creates dissension in your business?
This location creates distractions that interfere with productivity and team building, while also adding to your aggravation levels and increasing the expense of operating your business.
Drum roll, please ... in case you haven't figured it out yet, we're talking about your BROKE room well other people call it a break room but I call the BROKE room -- where toxic gossip infects your company and employees are paid to waste time. But more importantly, when was the last time you devoted attention to how your break room could be retooled to serve your purposes, instead of being a "BROKE Room?"

How to Look your Best on a Zoom for the Virtual and Remote World.
Avoid the temptation to stay in your pajamas all day—as comfortable as they are, they won’t look professional for your Zoom call, and could give the impression that what you have to say isn't important or that you do not value other people’s time.
Here is the top 5 most important things to do before you go live on Zoom.
- Get Dressed
- Do your hair & Makeup
- Arrive early just like an in person meeting
- Adjust your lighting
- Look people in the and connect just like in person

Goal setting and planning essentials to success, every business owner needs to know.
If you don't take the time to reflect on this and learn from your mistakes, it is going to show up again and again in an uglier way, in a different way until you actually learn the lesson. 😂😂😂😂
One of the biggest mistakes that people make when they’re planning and goal setting is not to take the time to learn from their mistakes. It takes a lot of courage, it takes tremendous heart. It takes you not bullshitting yourself. It takes you not lying to yourself and having the courage to dig deep enough to realize, you know what, this is my fault and I own it!
If you need help getting clarity and focus and starting a practice of reflection.
I have created the Beyond Common Goal-Setting Guidebook and Training to walk you through the step-by-step process.
Everything is broken down 90 day periods because 90 days keeps it top of mind, keeps it fresh, keeps us interested, and we can achieve much more in 90 days than we really think we can by applying these goal-setting principles and essentials so that you can really achieve your best life, and become the best version of yourself. The person you were designed to be.

How to get access to Free Money for, Women Business Owners who need to know you are Eligible for Dozens of Grant Programs.
One of the largest sources of financing for small businesses, the U.S. Small Business Association (SBA), also helps women entrepreneurs launch new businesses and compete in the marketplace through several grant programs. The SBA also sponsors about 100 Women’s Business Centers nationwide, designed to help women entrepreneurs with business development and access to capital.
Dozens of grant programs are available to assist Female Owned Businesses.

How to cut expenses like a pro ... creative ideas to eliminate or reduce expenses.