The Ultimate Guide To STAYING HEALTHY During The Holiday Season 2021

The Ultimate Guide To STAYING HEALTHY During The Holiday Season 2021
Introduction: Why STAYING HEALTHY is Important During the Holiday Season....
—It may seem like a silly question, but I cannot stress its importance enough.
What about your health?
For me, it all starts with taking extra doses of vitamin C and drinking my celery juice every morning. This keeps me feeling energized for the day and has helped with my eczema and insomnia. I also find that some movement and meditation each day keeps me calm and focused on what is important in life. It didn’t start out this way but over the years I have really developed an appreciation and now I fully enjoy meditating daily and writing in my journal to stay grounded and focused.
Some people might say that I spend a lot of time looking at the world through rose-colored glasses and that is just the way I like it, I try to live in the moment.
One thing that always helps me during this time of year is reaching out to friends and family more often than usual because it's easy to get wrapped up in the hustle-and-bustle of holiday shopping without realizing it. Plus, I always make sure to take time for myself so that I am able to enjoy all of the festivities without feeling guilty.
How to get yourself in the right frame of mind for a healthier holiday season…
This is a great time of year, but it can also be one of the toughest for your health. Between the holiday office parties and all the indulgences at home, it’s not uncommon to put on a few winter pounds.
That’s why staying healthy during the holidays is so important. You don’t want to undo all your hard work from the year with just a few weeks of overindulgence. That said, you can still enjoy everything that makes this time of year great without doing too much damage to your health in the process.
What are some essential things to bring on your trip for a healthier holiday season?
The holiday season is a time of joy, laughter, and celebration. However, it also comes with its share of stressors. The truth is that many people over-eat during the holidays due to all the family pressure and stress. Then we overindulge with all the delicious foods that are available, whether they are hosting or attending gatherings.
There are many good reasons for staying healthy during the holiday season.
Here are some health tips for staying healthy during the holidays, especially if your family causes you stress and anxiety:
1) Drink lots of water before and after eating
2) Eat more vegetables throughout the day
3) Avoid any diets that restrict specific food groups
4) Let go of trying to please anyone
5) Get plenty of rest
6) Spend time outside even if it's cold just 10 minutes outside does wonders
What are your favorite ways to get in shape for the holidays without working out too hard?
Many people have the misconception that eating as much as they want makes them happy. In reality, it can lead to some long-term health problems.
The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about staying healthy during the holidays is having a healthy diet. Below are some tips for a healthy diet:
-Eat a big breakfast and lunch, but eat a small dinner so you can save room for dessert. Keep in mind that eating too much at night will often make you feel sluggish and tired which will make it hard to be energetic the next day.
-Try not to miss any meals; skipping meals can cause irregular heartbeats and lead to weight gain or fatigue later on in the day.
-Avoid foods high in sugar like candy, cookies, and cakes; they will just make you want to eat more, and then it becomes a vicious cycle.
Enjoy a few of your favorite holiday indulgences but just a taste or a sample with intention. When we are present and intentional we make better choices for our long-term health and wellness.
Some good foods that help you maintain good health during the holidays without deprivation are replacing heavy carbs like noodles with vegetables and eating plenty of clean healthy stables like avocados almonds and green salad.
One of my favorite dishes is zoodles zucchini noodles inside a chicken and vegetable soup. This fills me up and helps me get in all my veggies especially during the holidays when I am going to eat dessert.
Well, thanks for being here and I hope this helps you stay healthy this holiday season so that you can be present and enjoy QUALITY TIME with everyone YOU LOVE!
with love & gratitude,
Tracey Watts Cirino
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