How do you become a #1 International Best Selling Author
Get your copy of Women Who Shine and get the best, most personal insights into how to overcome any challenge and rise above all the noise and chaos in the world. With these 30 inspiring stories of shining light into the world,
Women Who Shine will Inspire you to find your voice and take your next step.
Want to know more? Send me your questions and follow me on Instagram!

How to Overcome Self Doubt and Personal Insecurity so that you can Shine
Every single story in the book is meant to inspire, give hope, and empower it's readers.
My personal story is about overcoming personal Insecurity and self-doubt.
Each of the stories has a message that helps empower people to be courageous in their day-to-day lives.
This collaborative book, Women Who Shine is about 30 Courageous authors sharing their stories and shining light into the world in a way of bringing all of us together so that we can be brave together."

15 Most Underrated Characteristics That'll Make You a Rockstar in the Salon Industry
The Great Divide comes into play with these 15 most underrated characteristics or life skills that will absolutely make you a rockstar in the salon industry. They may seem simple but if you cultivate and develop these 15 characteristics they will pay you back tenfold.
If you need help cultivating and developing these characteristics grab yourself a copy of Beyond Common 12 Essentials for Success in Life and in the Workplace and notebook, maybe even pour yourself a cup of coffee and let's get to work.

Is Sleep deprivation Causing poor performance and productivity?
Is Sleep deprivation Causing poor performance and productivity?
Between an endless “to do” list at your business, family obligations, a global pandemic and constantly scrolling through your phone at all hours of the day or night, it’s easy to shortchange the amount of sleep you need. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, healthy adults should get a minimum of seven hours of sleep each night, with a recommended range of between seven to eight hours. Lack of sleep has been linked to many diseases — from cancer to Alzheimer’s — as well as obesity, diabetes, and poor mental health.

Don't Underestimate the Power of Negative Thinking and what you Need to do as "The Leader to Overcome it!"
Have you ever been so worried about what you should do that you can't finish what you need to do? Or have you ever heard things like "I wish I didn't have to go to work today!" or "God, this day is dragging!" or "That customer was a pain in the neck!" or "I never do anything fun" or "My job sucks the life out of me!" If you've ever had any of those thoughts -- or heard them from your colleagues -- they may be a bigger problem than you realize!
Remember that thoughts become things no matter what!
Think about ways to drive negativity out of your company and rebuild the sunny optimism that you felt the day you decided to become a business owner.

How to Stop Lying to yourself!
Ever wake up after getting plenty of sleep and yet you feel exhausted? After feeling this way, you realize that something has to radically change, but you aren't sure exactly what.
The first thing to do is be very strong and courageous and not lie to yourself.
- Ask yourself what is working?
- What is not working?
- Is there a gap between where I want to be and where I currently am in my business?
If you need to go outside of your inner circle for that, then that's when you need to do to get a really honest answer and not lie to yourself. You can hire a coach or get an accountability partner outside of your friend circle. We are just not designed to point those things out to ourselves, that is why they are called "blind spots." We all have them in both our personal and professional business life.
Trust me if you already knew how to do it, you would have done it.

The Secrets about Learning that Drive Business Owners to Success!

What does getting Clarity and Focus in our Personal and Professional have to do with Business Success anyways?
The biggest mistake I see business owners making when it comes to goal setting and planning is they don't really spend the time on reflection.
Once you take the time to reflect on specific goals, you will gain clarity and focus into how to get there, and what each team member needs to do to help you achieve your company objectives. And that brings us to the second key: to make sure your entire team is energetic and that they are assisting you each day to implement your vision.

Why we are obsessed with improving our listening skills and why you should be too!
When you’re with someone, are you genuinely interested in what they have to say? When someone is speaking, are you really hearing what they are conveying, or are you thinking about what YOU are going to say next? And, perhaps more importantly, if you are not carefully listening to someone, how can you truly help them or satisfy their needs?
The art of listening – and of truly being present in the moment – is a major theme in my recent book, Beyond Common: 12 Essentials for Success in Life and in the Workplace. I felt that so many people didn’t understand that it’s a lifelong journey to listen, to be present, and to be a part of the conversation in a way that helps as many people as possible.

Beyond Common Business Secrets Podcast Announces Upcoming Shows

New Year's Message from Tracey Watts Cirino

How do you know when you're lying to Yourself and How do you stop?

Professional Development Secrets Every Business Owner Needs to Know.
We're here to help you in every aspect of your business because your life and business go hand in hand. Don't forget to go to BeyondCommonBusinessSecrets.com
to get your free gift from me about the 12 biggest secrets.
It's a FREE report for you . It definitely helps you get started with all the things that you need to do to set up the right type of systems to be Beyond Common.
And for those of you that are looking for gifts, don't forget to go to TraceyWattsCirino.com to buy your gifts for everyone on your list that can benefit from personal and professional development training.

New! The Secret To Automatically Get More Clarity And Focus In your Life And Business Without Wasting, Time, Money And Energy Doing The Wrong Things In your Business - Beyond Common Business Secrets Podcast! ... First episode available now !
“Diamonds are formed under pressure,” Tracey explains, describing some of her early career setbacks as better than a “Harvard MBA.” She also shared another important lesson – “Numbers don’t lie, but people do.” The beauty industry is filled with creative and thoughtful individuals, but many don’t devote enough time on the financial aspects of the operation as an actual business.
Tracey’s training systems provide important tools for businesses to focus on critical tasks that must be completed by team members. “You just can’t assume people know the basics,” Tracey explains, “so we have learned to always focus first on this is what we do here.” “Sense is not common and there is no need to pretend that it is.”

Top 10 things all small business owners need to focus on right now
If you're going to come out of this stronger than the way we went into this whole pandemic situation, then we want to create space for your personal wellness and create business systems that keep you thriving so that we can scale our businesses.
You will need to put into practice all the things on this top 10 list so you won't become one of the failed statistics.
Definitely start with the top 10 list that we just went over.
Start with one that you feel like would be easiest for you.
You're more likely to continue to do the other 10 on the list. If you start with one or two that are pretty easy for you, then you'll have some success to celebrate and it'll make it easier for you to do all of them. Let's get one done so we can start to celebrate you!

4 things you should avoid in your career.

What all business owners need to finish 2020 strong and profitable.
Training will be key to survival of any business to finish 2020 strong and profitable.