Don't Underestimate the Power of Negative Thinking and what you Need to do as "The Leader to Overcome it!"

Have you ever been so worried about what you should do that you can't finish what you need to do? Or have you ever heard things like "I wish I didn't have to go to work today!" or "God, this day is dragging!" or "That customer was a pain in the neck!" or "I never do anything fun" or "My job sucks the life out of me!"
If you've ever had any of those thoughts -- or heard them from your colleagues -- they may be a bigger problem than you realize!
Remember that thoughts become things no matter what!
There is a huge difference between being honest about challenges and the need to make changes in your business versus simple negativity and complaining, which is like cancer growing within your business. Negativity not only drains your energy, but it creates obstacles to making and implementing positive changes. While one short blog post can't solve this entire problem, I want you to think about ways to drive negativity out of your company and rebuild the sunny optimism that you felt the day you decided to become a business owner.
Take a moment to ask yourself these questions:
- Are there certain team members who are driving negativity at the company? If so, consider having a one on one meeting and get things back on track. Check-in with them to let them know that you care. Make it clear that you welcome suggestions about how to improve, but not whining or negative chatter.
- Have you and your team members let go of previous disappointments? Think about the joys of mental decluttering -- letting go of previous disappointments or setbacks, which are really just lessons to prepare you for your ultimate success that is coming your way...
- Think of fun ways to re-energize your team -- contests with fun prizes, a company-provided meal, or a short retreat to consider innovative solutions. Or maybe just scheduling some team fun would make all the difference. Start a reward system to reward team members that positive action on overcoming roadblocks and challenges.
- What steps can you take to live a healthier life? Have you made time for yourself lately? Do you need some time off to think, rest, and recover? Be careful not to wear yourself down -- and don't forget, if you take time away from the business, I can assure you, everything will be there when you get back! Trust your team they have your back.
At Beyond Common, our mission is to inspire and empower women business owners to look and feel their best so they can make more money and improve their overall quality of life so that they can have a greater impact in the world. If you need more help and would like to learn more about how we can help you, please check out our Beyond Common Goal Setting Guidebook Training and tune into my podcast Beyond Common Business Secrets!
Thanks for reading our blog!
With Gratitude,
Tracey Watts Cirino