New Year's Message from Tracey Watts Cirino

Hi everyone, and welcome to our fun Beyond Common Community my name is Tracey Watts Cirino and I'm the author of Beyond Common 12 Essentials for Success in Life and the Workplace and the founder of Beyond Common Coaching and Training Company. And I just started a new podcast called.......
Beyond Common Business Secrets. You can check that out on Apple podcast, Spotify, Google, all the places that podcasts are.
I'm also the founder of Lavish Color Salon, and that's how I know a lot of you. We have been slowly transitioning the website to Lavish Luxury Products and getting the infrastructure for my online coaching and training set up. And it's been quite an undertaking, to set up all of the web-based infrastructure.
Remember that saying when you plan but God laughs? I got the feeling that He was doing a lot of laughing at me. So the day that we began transitioning to where the business was run from home instead of in our old salon location, I got a call that the kids were going to have to be home schooled.
I certainly didn't plan for that! There was that little bit of struggling, just trying to figure out how to get into the new ebb and flow of everything that we need to do so that I can serve you best.
I am here and I have a lot of exciting new stuff coming your way. I'm looking forward to a great 2021 and you will start to see many of the new things we are doing very soon, like expanding my book Beyond Common into a course so you can apply the essentials and set up your success systems in your life and business. This will allow us to help more clients then I am able to serve with my one on one coaching.
I have been so happy to hear from many of you, that have been reaching out to me to connect you with the right stylists and recommending the right solutions for all your hair and beauty needs. Your happiness, you feeling safe and loving your hair cut and color and all that stuff that makes you feel amazing so that you can be confident in everything you're doing is so important to me.
I'm doing the best I can to place everybody in the right salon location and more of that information is going to be coming your way. Things have not been ebbing and flowing as smoothly as I would have wanted and before too much time has gone by I simply wanted to let you know what's going on. Everything's is in process and we are making progress.
I'm here if you need me, and if you want to make sure I have your email address, you can sign up to be on my insiders all access list here. Please sign up on my website,
You will even get my free gift just for you. It's my Twelve Essentials success check list, which gives you the twelve most essential things that you need to work on daily to be your most successful. Go to my website, www.TraceyWattsCirino.Com, and put your name in and you'll be on my insiders all access list.
You'll know, everything that's going on and you'll get the free gift of the Twelve Essentials check list as well as special offers and early promotions
I hope you'll sign up so I can stay in touch with you. I will continue to serve your hair care and beauty needs in every way that I can. T offer you the latest luxury hair and beauty products. We will continue working on putting the final touches on the infrastructure for the online beauty products business and keep leveling up our coaching and training company.
I love and miss you all and hope we get to work together in some way soon!
The current situation reminds me of when I first opened the salon thirteen years ago. We were delayed over a year with construction and nothing was falling into place.
And I sat down and said, is it ever going to be a salon? And my friend Tony, who still laughs about this, said, Oh, my God, she's flipping out.
Is it ever going to be a real salon? Or are we just going to talk about opening a salon some day? Finally, though, everybody had worked so hard putting blood, sweat and tears and passion into everything we were doing. Hours and hours to make it work, and we overcame delay after delay, and then when we were done, the inspectors didn't come. Finally, though, there was a happy ending and we opened for business and ran a very successful salon company for over 13 years and even won the Top 200 Salons in North America awards 6 times.
Sometimes, stuff holds us back and doesn’t always go according to plan. And in my effort to try to get everything set up and working properly, I was like, oh, there's just not enough hours in the day. So I've been taking a step back and realizing that, hey, you know what? It was this great business for 13 years. And right now we are transitioning to an awesome online business and that's going to be available to you very soon. Thank you for your patience! 🙏🏻
I decided, it was best if I share what's going on in real time because I've learned so much about online business and infrastructure and integration. Who would have thought that in addition to knowing what are the best solutions for hair, makeup tricks, things that will make you look and feel your absolute best, the best products to serve you in addition to my overload or wealth of knowledge of those things that now, I am learning a bunch of new stuff about online business.
I will share those both challenges, struggles and all of the things we overcome and learn along the way with you guys on a consistent basis.
I know that 2020 has been quite the wild ride for so many of us.
I hope you and your family’s are feeling well, that you're healthy, that you are surrounded by family or friends that you love and bring you joy. I hope that you are tapping into what brings you joy and making lots of room for laughter.
I hope that each of you has the New Year filled with much wealth and abundance and everything that makes you smile and brings you happiness.
I wish you so much joy and happiness. You are so special and so important to me. And I am here. I love you. And it is so crazy that you know a million things I would have thought when I was kind of reflecting and doing my end of year stuff last year. Wow, I have so much to be grateful for and I am very blessed that so many of you have supported this change and so many people have reached out for business coaching.
So many people have reached out to buy books and now people are asking if they can buy bunches of books because they feel like it's such a great thing for female leaders to support positivity and empowerment. I am so grateful for all of you and I want to help you in any way. I just want to make sure each of you know how much I appreciate you all the support. Let me know if there is a way I can serve you if there are something that you need.
And again, I will I will be in touch soon and let you know the updates of everything going on, even the struggles or when things do not go smoothly. I'm so grateful that I'm able to be home with my kids doing home schooling and keeping everyone in our family healthy and safe. I wish you so much success. I hope that you feel like a fierce beyond common woman. I cannot wait to see you soon.
Happy New Year.
With Love and Gratitude,
Tracey Watts Cirino