What are some hiring essentials every salon owner and business owner needs to have?

What are some hiring essentials every salon owner and business owner needs to have?
If you are anything like me and you work in a super creative industry, we only want to work with the best people who resonate with our core values and mission. This is to ensure that the team is flowing in one clearly defined direction, no matter what the creative differences are. That’s why we have to be super clear in our hiring process, we have to be selective and be rigorous until we sift through to separate the best from the rest. Sometimes, we can’t help but wonder if there’s a secret hack in the hiring process?
Like how do most successful business owners hire the best person for their team?
You’re just in luck today because I’ll be talking about
"The Best Hiring Practices that most successful small business owners and salon owners have in place!
Here are some of the best hiring practices and hiring tips that most successful Salon and business Owners have been practicing.
You can make these you're hiring essentials too!
This is one of the most important things in your business. It's a living, breathing document that needs to always be updated based on what you do to elevate the different areas in your business. When you can write up and come up with a well thought and thorough Standard Operating Procedure, then you are really able to hire effectively. That’s why you need to have this before anything else. One of the things that have helped me write a good SOP is by clearly defining the four things that are most important to me. In that way, I’m not wasting my time, money, and energy just hiring anyone. When writing out the SOP, you need to make sure to have the steps for each process written clearly. You can even record the process to ensure your team follows the same process over and over again.
You MUST have a clear job description written out. People do not want things thrown at them later. They need to know what the job is. People want to know the scope and limitations of the job, as well as the expectations too. So make sure to be detailed and concise when writing a job description.
You need to find out what value your new team member will bring to the team. This is part of your business, so ask right away how they are going to add value to your company and clearly map that out. Even if you have to invest in them for three to six months, map out how you're going to recover that expense and make sure you make them aware of it.
I promise you, when you have practiced these hiring essentials, on a consistent basis, it will keep you from wasting your time, money, and energy. These hiring essentials will help you set your team up and your company for hiring the right people who can really add value to your business.
If you need even more hot tips about hiring, I suggest you get a copy of my Book, Beyond Common 12 Essentials For Success in Life in the Workplace. for you and every member of your team.
Here, you’ll find more clarity on what you can do so you can stand out from the sea of sameness.
Much Love & Gratitude,
Tracey Watts Cirino
#1 International Bestselling Author
Which of these hiring essentials do you already have in place? Let me know how you’re going to implement these in your salon or business.