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What does getting Clarity and Focus in our Personal and Professional have to do with Business Success anyways?

Tracey Watts Cirino Blog


Beyond Common Goal Setting Guidebook


Why our Mission is Clarity and Focus in our Personal and Professional Lives....

I was an Overwhelmed business owner, working my butt off, often on the wrong things or I found myself performing tasks I’d previously assigned to others, but that wasn’t getting done.  This was not sustainable, it drained my energy and produced mediocre results. 

For years, I struggled as a creative business owner and was just running around and doing a lot of busy work but not being productive. But when I started really achieving clarity and focus in my own business, I really started to thrive and have predictable growth in my company. Now, I’ve created an entire organization to share what I’ve learned with others so I can support women and help them be the best version of themselves.  I’m so excited about this that our entire mission and focus at Beyond Common is to help our clients figure out how they work best and to communicate some of the things that have worked for me, things that don't work, and just things that will really drive your profitability so that you know that you're working smarter instead of harder.

Step one to achieving clarity and focus is to create very specific goals and objectives.   It’s time to clear your head of clutter, clear your mind of intricately spun webs (I call this brain dumping and it works! ) carefully decide on what is important and what really works for you, and help you clarify or discover your own personal talents and goals. 

It’s easy to achieve your dreams once you can identify them. 

Once we’ve done that, we create a goal-setting plan that works for you and your business.  Many business owners have been disappointed in previous attempts at goal setting, but they probably used outdated methods that don't work, especially not right now in the rapidly changing business landscape.

In order to make sure you have the right tools to set your goals, I’ve created a goal-setting guide that – for a limited time only – I’m giving to you at no cost. 

Be sure to visit And put in your name and email address and you'll get the free Goal setting guidebook. 

We put a lot of time and energy into this and I think you'll find it really valuable. 

I usually charge $997 for this guidebook and training class, but you are getting it totally free.

The biggest mistake I see business owners making when it comes to goal setting and planning is they don't really spend the time on reflection. 

Once you take the time to reflect on specific goals, you will gain clarity and focus on how to get there, and what each team member needs to do to help you achieve your company objectives.  And that brings us to the second key:  to make sure your entire team is energetic and that they are assisting you each day to implement your vision. 

If any member of your organization is falling short, it’s vital to immediately understand why – do they know what their role is?  Are they a chronic underachiever?  Is something going on in their life that is impacting work? 

As a business owner, I strongly urge you to find out the answers to those questions and bring things into the light. Even if they are uncomfortable conversations you need to have them.  Both professionally and personally, I am done working with people and having clients that don't one thousand percent appreciate what I have to offer.  And I don’t have time for excuses. That is something that I have personally discovered from my own time spent in reflection. After you’ve identified anyone in your organization who is coming up short, think seriously about whether or not they can be on your team for the long term.  This is one of those things that's hard to own the truth and not lie to yourself about this. But when you make those changes, I promise you your goals will just pop off in the right direction so much faster. If we're being really serious in our commitment to really being the best version of ourselves and doing everything we can to make sure you're living your life with purpose, then you must achieve the goals you set out to achieve.

Attract more of those clients, team members, and more of those people into your life and even friendships. If if you feel like you're surrounded by people who don't love and support you and have your back, don't feel bad about spending less time with them.

After that, you'll see how much quicker you are able to solve obstacles and roadblocks, and speed bumps in the road, because you'll have such great momentum and positive energy you can feel great about surrounding yourself with people who support you and trust your vision and just support everything you're about, without having the whinnying and 

complainers in the way to drag everyone down.

I would love to hear what you're working on, and what your goals are.

Please get your free goal-setting guidebook and tag me on social media @TraceyWattsCirino . I would love to hear what you come up with for your goal setting, so share those with me and, remember, at  Beyond Common, our complete focus is helping business owners implement these methods so they can achieve their next level of success. 

If you could use some support in getting clarity and focus in your business and professional life, check out our website, or download our Podcast at Beyond Common Business Secrets, and let us know how we can be of service to you!

Thanks for reading our blog!

Tracey Watts Cirino


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