How to Grow Your Sales and Achieve Work-Life Harmony

6 Lists Every Business Owner Should Have

5 Ways to Beat Burnout
Chances are you're reading this because you're starting to feel stressed out, overwhelmed, maybe even feeling chronic fatigue, sleep-deprived, and lacking in joy. The good news is rather than feeling helpless about the situation, there are some easy things you can do without causing any more stress or adding any more time to your workweek.
5 Ways to Beat Burnout
First and foremost focus on what you can control and let go of everything else. 5 things you can do to beat burnout…

How to stay mentally strong when dealing with difficult personality types
How to stay mentally strong when dealing with difficult personality types.
In our day-to-day life, we will come across a wide range of personality types. There are those who will be easy to deal with and those that will be difficult. The difficult ones are often the ones that take a lot more energy and patience.

5 simple ways to carve out time for self-care and personal development as super busy business owner and mom
Here are a few ways to invest in yourself to make a change in your life.
The first step is to make a decision that you are a priority and commit to investing in yourself.
Successful people spend time and resources on themselves and invest in their own personal development. They take the time and resources and put it towards themselves instead of buying things that don’t matter. They invest in themselves and in experiences that help them grow and learn new skills.

How do you become a #1 International Best Selling Author
Get your copy of Women Who Shine and get the best, most personal insights into how to overcome any challenge and rise above all the noise and chaos in the world. With these 30 inspiring stories of shining light into the world,
Women Who Shine will Inspire you to find your voice and take your next step.
Want to know more? Send me your questions and follow me on Instagram!

How to Overcome Self Doubt and Personal Insecurity so that you can Shine
Every single story in the book is meant to inspire, give hope, and empower it's readers.
My personal story is about overcoming personal Insecurity and self-doubt.
Each of the stories has a message that helps empower people to be courageous in their day-to-day lives.
This collaborative book, Women Who Shine is about 30 Courageous authors sharing their stories and shining light into the world in a way of bringing all of us together so that we can be brave together."

Little Known Way to Reach Client Success
Let's uncover the Benefits to utilizing goals as your secret sauce for client success.
Your clients will love this approach and you will achieve personal satisfaction as well.
Hello 👋 I help salon owners and hairstylists get the focus they need to grow and scale their business with the essentials to success proven system.
I love inspiring and empowering women to look and feel their best so that they can make more money and improve their overall quality of life while making a greater impact in the world. Through the Beyond Common Method of Success Essentials Framework.

How to set Boundaries With in Your business so you can have a wonderful quality of life.
The following are some of the essential principles from my book Beyond Common 12 Essentials for Success in Life and in the Workplace.
Be very clear about.....
What you want ?
Why you are here?
What you value most?
What significance means to you?

3 Simple Steps to Achieving Your Goals:
Here are 3 steps in my goal setting success process:
#1 Developing Achievable Goals
Make sure the time you have allotted is actually achievable. I am all about making sure your goals stretch you and scare you a little but they need to be things that can be achieved. Not by everyone but achieved by you.
To learn more about how we can help you achieve the results you need right away, check out our Beyond Common Goal Setting Guidebook Training and tune into my podcast Beyond Common Business Secrets!

How to Achieve the results you expected from setting your goals!!
The act of goal-setting itself does not actually make you achieve your goals, you have to apply the action that is necessary so that you can get the results you are looking for and feel accomplished that you fulfilled your goal.
If this is an area that you struggle with or you are ready to take your results to the next level Check out the Beyond Common goal-setting guidebook training there's even a quick start training to help you get a quick WIN so that you start building that momentum that you need to completely crush your goals

Are you ready to earn 6 figures and BEYOND without all the overwhelm?
Now with my simple proven BEYOND Common Success Method you can learn the simple recipe for success in our modern world without all the overwhelm or the hustle mentality.
I am forever grateful for all of your support and encouragement !! As well as the gift God has given me of following the actual BEYOND Common Success Method to stay focused and make it happen so that it would come together and be something really great to help Hairstylists and Creative Service Businesses
Earn a BEYOND Common Income
Grow BEYOND what id Common
Live a BEYOND Common Life!!

How to work your way up from the bottom and develop the confidence you need to be successful
We offer many virtual on-line training programs to help you grow and scale your business. Including our signature program the BEYOND Common Success Essentials Course to help you attract more of your favorite clients, grow your income, and create a better work life balance.
My message is still really simple and the same as always. I help creative service business owners like salon professionals, graphic artists, physical fitness experts, photographers, coaches, etc. get the focus they need to grow and scale their business.

Are you ready to earn more money for what you love to do?

How to create consistency in your everyday work flows.
When you structure your life, this way, you are able to run your business in a way that's more profitable. And it definitely helps Drive the results that allow you to scale more quickly. Everything that we do at Beyond Common is about setting up these types of systems and strategies because we know that the more confident you are in what you do every day in your business, the greater impact you're able to have in the world. That is what our mission and vision is totally based on so that we can help you achieve those results that you've been looking for. That's what we do. I encourage you to take the first step in this process of getting clear on your goals.
Go to BeyondCommonbusinesssecrets.com/goals to get your goal-setting quickstart training.

Is Sleep deprivation Causing poor performance and productivity?
Is Sleep deprivation Causing poor performance and productivity?
Between an endless “to do” list at your business, family obligations, a global pandemic and constantly scrolling through your phone at all hours of the day or night, it’s easy to shortchange the amount of sleep you need. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, healthy adults should get a minimum of seven hours of sleep each night, with a recommended range of between seven to eight hours. Lack of sleep has been linked to many diseases — from cancer to Alzheimer’s — as well as obesity, diabetes, and poor mental health.

Sparking the creative genius within you!
Have you been guilty of saying I am not creative or slightly envious of your creative friends, or admired artists, musicians or writers?
Don't forget, creativity is so much more than whether you can draw or paint.
In a work situation, it can be about innovation and improvement, and in our personal lives it can relate to coming up with solutions to life’s challenges. Many of us are actually more creative than we realize and there are several ways you can actually boost your creativity and make innovation a key part of your business!

How to turn your Passion into your Business

How Successful Business Owners Handle The Responsibilities of Owning and Operating a Business
How Successful Business Owners Handle The Responsibilities of Owning and Operating a Business
In Today's blog, I wanted to discuss another important topic that impacts business owners -- the great responsibilities and obligations on their shoulders.

Stop what you are Doing and Don't Open a Salon Suite Until you Read This!

Just Say No to Being Perfect!

Why keeping a gratitude Journal is an important step on your way to Success.

The right Business Coach Delivers Extraordinary Value

Want to learn the secret skills that separates you from your competition?

How to Stop Lying to yourself!
Ever wake up after getting plenty of sleep and yet you feel exhausted? After feeling this way, you realize that something has to radically change, but you aren't sure exactly what.
The first thing to do is be very strong and courageous and not lie to yourself.
- Ask yourself what is working?
- What is not working?
- Is there a gap between where I want to be and where I currently am in my business?
If you need to go outside of your inner circle for that, then that's when you need to do to get a really honest answer and not lie to yourself. You can hire a coach or get an accountability partner outside of your friend circle. We are just not designed to point those things out to ourselves, that is why they are called "blind spots." We all have them in both our personal and professional business life.
Trust me if you already knew how to do it, you would have done it.

Secret to Unlocking hidden Potential to achieve more Growth and Success in your business.
Secret to Unlocking hidden Potential to achieve more Growth and Success in your business.
Have you considered setting up an advisory board for your business?
I am a huge advocate for advisory boards. I have always used them in all of my businesses and I truly believe they are a key link to achieving long-term and sustainable success in your business.
Less than 2.5 percent of all venture capital goes to women and many female business owners face systemic challenges in building their businesses. Scaling a business can be a lonely and challenging endeavor, especially without a deep talent pool to assist. Now, however, many organizations are stepping in to eliminate barriers to success.

Goal setting and planning essentials to success, every business owner needs to know.
If you don't take the time to reflect on this and learn from your mistakes, it is going to show up again and again in an uglier way, in a different way until you actually learn the lesson. 😂😂😂😂
One of the biggest mistakes that people make when they’re planning and goal setting is not to take the time to learn from their mistakes. It takes a lot of courage, it takes tremendous heart. It takes you not bullshitting yourself. It takes you not lying to yourself and having the courage to dig deep enough to realize, you know what, this is my fault and I own it!
If you need help getting clarity and focus and starting a practice of reflection.
I have created the Beyond Common Goal-Setting Guidebook and Training to walk you through the step-by-step process.
Everything is broken down 90 day periods because 90 days keeps it top of mind, keeps it fresh, keeps us interested, and we can achieve much more in 90 days than we really think we can by applying these goal-setting principles and essentials so that you can really achieve your best life, and become the best version of yourself. The person you were designed to be.

How to get access to Free Money for, Women Business Owners who need to know you are Eligible for Dozens of Grant Programs.
One of the largest sources of financing for small businesses, the U.S. Small Business Association (SBA), also helps women entrepreneurs launch new businesses and compete in the marketplace through several grant programs. The SBA also sponsors about 100 Women’s Business Centers nationwide, designed to help women entrepreneurs with business development and access to capital.
Dozens of grant programs are available to assist Female Owned Businesses.

7 Keys to successful Training and Coaching

The Secrets about Learning that Drive Business Owners to Success!

How to cut expenses like a pro ... creative ideas to eliminate or reduce expenses.

What does getting Clarity and Focus in our Personal and Professional have to do with Business Success anyways?
The biggest mistake I see business owners making when it comes to goal setting and planning is they don't really spend the time on reflection.
Once you take the time to reflect on specific goals, you will gain clarity and focus into how to get there, and what each team member needs to do to help you achieve your company objectives. And that brings us to the second key: to make sure your entire team is energetic and that they are assisting you each day to implement your vision.

What are you doing to Share the Love on Random Acts of Kindness Day on Wednesday February 17, 2021?

How a Coach, Accountability Person, and Masterminding helps you Achieve Extraordinary Results!
How a Coach, Accountability Person, and Masterminding helps you Achieve Extraordinary Results!
In this blog post, we will uncover why involving others in your goal setting can help you achieve your goals and objectives quicker and faster than you ever dreamed possible. Once you have established some objectives, partnering up with an accountability person can be extremely helpful.
Sometimes when you're the boss and you're always holding other people accountable and checking in on everybody else, sometimes it just feels really good to have to check in with someone and have them check in on you and your progress. Then as the boss, you can say, oh, look, I did my homework, you can give me a star. Sometimes it's just a good thing to have that accountability person. You can take that accountability person situation a step further and hire a coach.

3 Simple Ways to Clean out your Computer that Every Business Owner Needs to Know
Over the past few years, I have been getting better all the time at organizing my computer files, and this year I have decided to stay a lot more organized week to week with all of my marketing photos and graphics.
Running a modern business in 2021 requires a lot of content and it demands Beyond common organizational skills.

Covid Era Tips for Working Smarter, not Harder
At Beyond Common, we're focused on helping you gain clarity and focus in your business and professional life, and one way to achieve that is to make sure you're not wasting time and energy on initiatives that don't produce results.
Many of us are creatures of habit, and once habits are formed, they can become mundane or just something you do without knowing why, and since the beginning of the Pandemic, many new habits have become routine, including frequent Zoom calls and responding to emails and inquiries long past normal business hours.