3 Simple Ways to Clean out your Computer that Every Business Owner Needs to Know

3 Simple Ways to Clean out your Computer that Every Business Owner Needs to Know!
If your anything like me you have a whole bunch of amazing creative work on your computer. including files, videos, and a boatload of photos. (wink, 😉 )
Have you ever spent hours looking for just the right photos, you are sure you have taken but you just couldn’t find it?
Well, I made a commitment to myself to get things in order and to stay on top of organizing all of my computer files.
Over the past few years, I have been getting better all the time at organizing my computer files, and this year I have decided to stay a lot more organized week to week with all of my marketing photos and graphics.
Running a modern business in 2021 requires a lot of content and it demands Beyond Common organizational skills.
So here are the top 3 things that have been working wonders for me....
#1 Put everything in the proper folders daily and if I run behind, on Saturday I spend 30 minutes putting my videos, photos, and graphic files in the correct folders
#2 Delete every pose angle or crop that did not make the cut. My husband has been telling me to do this for years and recently I have finally listened. If I know I will not use that shot I get rid of it right there and then or at the end of the day. I go through my camera roll and only keep what I will use and post, everything else I delete.
#3 Commit to backing up everything on your external hard drive once or twice a month depending on how much content you are creating. This may sound strange but this has been a game-changer for me. I write down the date on my calendar that I am doing the backup and that forces me to get my files in order. This has helped me keep my computer files so much more organized.
In honor of clean out your computer day, I hope these 3 tips help inspire you to keep your computer files organized to save you time and energy when you are working on a deadline or just want the stress free feeling of knowing where everything is.
Thanks for being here,
Tracey Watts Cirino