How a Coach, Accountability Person, and Masterminding helps you Achieve Extraordinary Results!

Hi! I'm Tracey Watts Cirino, author of Beyond Common 12 Essentials for Success in Life and in the Workplace and founder of Beyond Common Coaching and Training Company. I love helping business owners get clarity and focus in their life in business by using their strengths, to achieve Beyond Common results.
How a Coach, Accountability Person, and Masterminding helps you Achieve Extraordinary Results!
Invite a friend or even a business colleague or acquaintance that you know will help push you to partner up with you. Together pick a few goals to hold yourselves accountable for. This is a really great way to stay on track and not let everyday life and everything that gets thrown at us derail your goals and plans.
Having an accountability person, friend, or business connection is such a great way for people to level up and hit all their goals. Definitely consider getting an accountability person. I have a friend and we do this sometimes, and it's awesome because we'll just check in with each other. We'll ask each other how implementing our goals or new ideas are going and how are we adapting that into our lives. I have done a really structured, strict accountability coaching as well, including check-ins for people who have paid me for coaching and then have paid extra because they just want me or some type of coach to call them X amount of times per week or email them and check in with them.
Sometimes when you're the boss and you're always holding other people accountable and checking in on everybody else, sometimes it just feels really good to have to check in with someone and have them check in on you and your progress. Then as the boss, you can say, oh, look, I did my homework, you can give me a star. Sometimes it's just a good thing to have that accountability person. You can take that accountability person situation a step further and hire a coach.
Another possibility is to hire a business mindset coach. You can hire a health coach. You can hire a marketing coach. I've even done this as a life coach. You can hire somebody that can help you in the area that you need help with for your own personal and professional growth and development and whatever type of coach you need. Trust me, they're out there.
I received my certification in business and success mindset coaching over 6 years ago. And over the years, I tend to work with my business owner clients on their business and more success, mindset coaching. It really is about looking at the whole person, because like I always say, if you think that you're an apple at work and an orange at home, you are mistaken. Trust me when I tell you you're an apple at home and an apple at work. So you sometimes need coaching for your whole self. It is implementing the right strategic things in both your life and in your business that truly makes the difference and helps you kick over those hurdles that are getting in your way and holding you back from really reaching all of your goals and living the life of your dreams. There are so many coaches available that you can just go out and get someone no matter what challenges or struggles you are having.
Honestly, one of the best things that you can do is invest in yourself.
Now personally, I'm somebody that's pretty good at kicking my own butt, when it comes to goal setting and implementation. However, when I have something that I really need to accomplish and I've been struggling to get there, I will always hire a coach. In that specific area of expertise to help me get there because people want to help. And when you hire a coach, you get there so much faster. Why struggle and make a bunch of the same mistakes? When I can hire a coach, they can guide me and I can get there faster.
This is actually one of the main reasons that I love to work with all of my high-level business owner clients. I love working with high achievers and business owners who have achieved some success. And they're usually pretty good at kicking their own ass. I mean, I was trying to soften it and not say it like that, but they usually can just kick it into high gear. But they just need me to kick their butt just a little bit more to get them over that hump or whatever that roadblock is that's getting in their way. I am always so happy to do this because I know that they can do it. And it's so awesome to have me or that person that's just cheering you on, here and so excited for you. Having a coach cheering you on in your corner, and telling you the truth about what you really have to do to get the goal accomplished, and sharing exactly what you need to get it done. What it is really going to take to get you over the finish line and not let you quit at that last quarter of the race, or make up some lame story where you lying to yourself.
Speaking, as a coach, that's going to just kick your butt a little bit more than you kick your own. We're here to help you get over that roadblock and that hurdle.
Many of us, myself included, make up lame excuses and crazy stories that do not serve our greater purpose. So hiring a coach is a great way to make sure somebody else is working on your behalf to guide you to hitting your goals. Then after you've done all these things and you've had some major high-level success in your life and in your business, you will want to go to the next level. And that brings us to the next level, which is doing a high-level mastermind. This is where a group of people gets together, and this can be done in all different ways.
The best ones that I have attended are ones that you actually pay for because when you're paying the person who orchestrates and organizes everything, things usually go much better and everything gets done. They usually run better. There's general accountability for the whole group. I am a firm believer in what you pay for, you pay attention to. So let me tell you another little story here. I had a bad experience with a few unpaid masterminds where I got stuck doing all the work. So what happens is you have a bunch of people that say, oh, yeah, let's do a mastermind on this book or that book. It seems fun at first, but sometimes the people that start it are not the strongest leaders. So because nobody is paying to participate, people start not showing up and they kind of flake out sometimes. Then the people in that group that are the strongest leaders or the most organized or the type of people that are good at implementing, end up doing a lot of the work. That has happened to me several times. So I do not do or join unpaid mastermind's anymore unless I am offering it my self to help give back to the business community because I guess it just naturally ends up where I do the work.
I would much rather be part of a high-level mastermind.
That is one of the best ways to dive in deep to uncover any of your blind spots.
In a mastermind group, for those of you that have not done them, there's good and bad to all of them. The things that I want to share, the things I have loved best about the high-level masterminds, the really good ones that I've done. For those of you that have not participated in one before, there's a group of many different high achievers from all different businesses who get together and pick a specific topic. Sometimes it's a specific book like Think and Grow Rich. I've done them on Twenty One Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. I've done them on five or six of the John C. Maxwell leadership books. Those are great books to mastermind on. Sometimes it's not based on a book, sometimes it's based on the theme of success, marketing, or something similar.
Once, I hosted a mastermind for other salon owners where we went all-in on building your team. The upcoming year was going to be all about training and doing everything you could do to build your team and strengthen your training programs and focus your whole team on being involved in the training.
I've done masterminds where it was all about marketing everything you could do. Everything was all about doubling down on your marketing efforts and attracting more top talent into your company or attracting your target market clients. Marketing is very useful for so many things. More recently, I've been doing some mastermind groups that are based on my book, Beyond Common "12 Essentials for Success in Life in the Workplace". There are all different types of masterminds. The overall point of a mastermind is to get with a group of people that can look at your business in an objective way and help you poke holes in it so that you can turn everything on its head and really dig deeper, find all your blind spots in your business, to help you create the life and business of your dreams. You will have to get comfortable being uncomfortable. I will repeat this.
When it comes to a really great mastermind, one that is going to be worth its weight in gold and worth all of the big money that you pay for it, you will have to force yourself to get comfortable with being uncomfortable and vulnerable, because masterminding this way reveals a lot of blind spots. And that's precisely what is needed for you to get to the next level in your business. Everyone's got blind spots. You don't know they're there. That's why they're called blind spots. You could be someone reading this saying to yourself, I don't have that, my business is great. I don’t have any blind spots in my business.
However, when you get inside a high-level mastermind, someone will point out a bunch of flaws and blindspots that you were not aware of. No matter how great your business is, you will have blind spots. And that is the best part about doing these masterminds. It's like having a bunch of great people just put your business and your blind spot under a microscope and tell you everything that you need to improve. These are my favorite kinds of masterminds because you get the creative energy, the positive experience from all of the successful business owners in the group, not just the person that's hosting the mastermind group. It's truly amazing and it's really, a great way to drive maximum profitability into your business and really help you get to the next level.
To give you some guidance and help in creating your goal setting and plan, I have created a goal-setting guidebook as my gift to you that will help you map out the next 90 days of goals, including your personal and professional development plan. Go to to get your free gift, that is my gift to you to help you go and get started on giving yourself that gift of personal and professional development. If you need even more help setting up your goals and getting your success systems on track you can pick up the virtual goals setting guidebook training and my book Beyond Common 12 Essentials for Success in Life and in the Workplace right there as well. This will really help you get started on your path to personal and professional development so that you can be living your best Beyond Common Life!
Thank you so much for being here, I hope you enjoyed my blog!
Tracey Watts Cirino