5 Ways to Beat Burnout

Chances are you're reading this because you're starting to feel stressed out, overwhelmed, maybe even feeling chronic fatigue, sleep-deprived, and lacking in joy. The good news is rather than feeling helpless about the situation, there are some easy things you can do without causing any more stress or adding any more time to your workweek.
Introduction: 5 Ways to Beat Burnout
First and foremost focus on what you can control and let go of everything else. 5 things you can do to beat burnout…
1: Get enough sleep: 8 hours a night. This doesn't have to be perfect just aim for it and if you get a little more sleep than you are currently getting that is a win. The key here is rest, not stress.
2: Make a gratitude list: Truthfully, you can not be grateful and stressed at the same time. Focus on gratitude for anything and everything around you.
3: Add variety to your day: Unplug from technology: Leave your phone at home or in the car. Take breaks: Go for a 5-minute walk outside just to clear your head and get a new perspective in the middle of your workday. Connect with coworkers: Ask about their lives and personal interests.
4: Declutter your workspace: I recently spent time really focusing on organizing and decluttering my workspace and then using some Fung Shui elements to invite in more joy and happiness throughout my workday. I brought in some crystals. I brought in some plants and I really am getting excited about keeping things free of clutter so that positive energy flows to everything I create. I used to always say that I was creative and therefore I had organized chaos. However, now that I've really been intentionally keeping my desk in my office free from clutter I've had so many amazing breakthroughs in my business and I have been so grateful for the results.
5: Go for walks on the way home from work or make walking part of the start of your day. Yes, even if it is cold outside, getting fresh air does amazing things for our body, mind, and spirit.
If going outside is absolutely out of the question….
Consider Exercise in any form: Walk around the office, have a mid-day dance party (my personal favorite, do jumping jacks, take a yoga class, anything just move your body!
A healthy lifestyle will help you relieve stress and stay more energized in every area of your life. Not just at work. Find your joy on the job by doing things that bring you satisfaction, such as bonding with coworkers on a team project or taking a quick break to indulge in a favorite hobby. Sometimes a simple game or contest at work is just what everyone needs to put the joy back into the everyday mundane routine.
If you're feeling burnt out, take some time off to rejuvenate. Remember to take care of yourself and make sure to make time for what matters most to you! Pushing through is not helpful for you or your family. Take care of yourself and show yourself some extra love. Get my free guide to self love 💕 workbook for even more ideas and support on showing yourself some extra love.
In conclusion, sparking joy in your workday can be as simple as taking a walk during your lunch break or leaving the office for the day to work in a different location. Getting a fresh perspective always lightens the workload and refreshes our spirit.
Recently we have been noticing that everyone wants to make more in less time so we have created the 5 Time Saving Strategies Checklist
thanks for reading our blog 💜,
Tracey Watts Cirino
Ps. Want to work together?
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- Get the Beyond Common 12 Essentials for Success in Life and the Workplace book.
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Here’s to creating a business and building a life that lights you up so that you can truly shine!