Nightly Routine that sets you up for Tomorrow's Success

Nightly routine that sets you up for tomorrow's success
Ever wonder how in the world you could possibly manage to show up with a smile on your face every single day, despite the overwhelming amount of tasks that you have on your plate?
Well I have a secret way to do this................
It’s my secret success weapon and it is a combination of my night time and day time mental exercise. This one is called brain dumping. What exactly is this brain bumping thing?
As you may or may not know, I am a big advocate of self-care and looking after your own health and well-being. This is something that most busy women like you are completely missing. When you have a lot of things going on in your head at once, it can be quite a bit overwhelming and I get stressed out sometimes at everything I need to get done. The end result: I would end up having a hard time sleeping and feel cranky and still stressed out the next day. This is why I need to do brain dumping. This has been my lifesaver ever since and because of this, my thoughts get organized just before going to bed. Simply put, A brain dump is a practical technique designed to help you declutter and organize your mind and thoughts so you gain focus on things that need to be done. Doing this nightly helps me calm down and be more productive the next day.
Want to know the secret routine that helps you work your magic every day?
So what I usually do is I allow at least 10 minutes of my time before I sleep just to write, what I need to do, when it needs to be done and how it needs to be done. This is called my Mini-Brain Dump. This helps me create an action plan for the following day so I would know what I need to do the next day. It doesn’t matter if you use a pen and paper or an app to let you do it. I have my notebook and my pen beside my bed drawer or if I can’t get to it, I use an app called, Clickup so I can just dump out all the tasks to my team, my virtual assistants and the people I collaborate with. When I get started the next day, I would do a huge main dump and get down to the nitty gritty details of the tasks that I planned on doing last time.
As a highly creative person, Brain dumping for me is a sure-shot way to get things done especially when an idea pops into my head suddenly. This is one of the healthy habits that I have consistently maintained and has helped me get organized any time of the day. For me, it’s a great way to start and end the day. Oftentimes, I do a mini brain dump before I leave my office so that I am ready to go tomorrow morning when I get back to work. Then I can jump start my morning with a little visualization before crafting a new idea to that sketchpad or map out a new project in Clickup, and before long, I can see all my ideas coming to life.
If you want to get started on this healthy habit, I recommend you to start getting one of my brain-dumping worksheets inside of my Beyond Common Goal Setting Guidebook Training. It contains guided worksheets to get you started on your journey towards developing this mentally healthy habit.
What is your go-to mental exercise when there’s way too many things on your plate? Let me know in the comments below! Have you ever tried brain dumping before? How do you feel afterwards? What are some other ways that you can organize and declutter your thoughts every day?
Love to hear your self-care and night time routines!
Much love,
Tracey Watts Cirino