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Mistakes are actually Stepping Stones to Success!

Tracey Watts Cirino Blog

Tracey Watts Cirino Blog 


Have you ever heard the saying "without failure, there would be no success?"  Think about it -- challenges, setbacks, and failure are a part of our lives.  The key is to learn from mistakes without excessively dwelling on the facts that caused the setback in the first place.  As Nelson Boswell said, "The difference between greatness and mediocrity is often how an individual views a mistake."


Mistakes are actually Stepping Stones to Success!

Sometimes, people view an isolated situation in life to label someone a failure, but, as author John C. Maxwell says, setbacks and mistakes are actually ... LESSONS!  Also, try changing your thinking about "failure" because failure is NOT an event.    You may fail at times as you experiment with what to do next, but you are not a failure because of failing.  Think of success -- a successful marriage, a successful business, or a successful career.  Success is not a destination, as in one day you wake up and POOF!  You are successful.  Success is a journey and a process of many actions and much progress over many years.  Think of failure the same way -- it's not a place you show up at one day.  If you think about failure in that way, no one ever fails unless they give up and stop moving forward! 

An effective leader learns from the past without dwelling on it and has a passion for a cause that is larger than they are. If a business is going to meaningfully contribute to society, and grow into a larger organization over time, not everything is going to go right every day.   

At Beyond Common Coaching and Training Co., we are completely focused on helping our clients achieve success by moving forward with a map or blueprint of exactly what it takes to get there. We help you establish goals, assist in creating ways for you to achieve the results you want, and implement training and operating systems in your company to achieve your most desired results.  We have many products to help our clients get results even quicker on their journey to successful business ownership.  For example, you can get the

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or check out our book Beyond Common 12 Essentials for Success in Life and in the Workplace to get your whole team speaking the same language.


You are also invited to listen to our Podcast: Beyond Common Business Secrets  

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With so many valuable resources to assist you, please let us know how we can serve you best and work together!

With Gratitude,

Tracey Watts Cirino




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