Which clients should you focus on?
With so much going on and so much to get done when it come to running a successful profitable business my business owner clients often ask me.......
Which clients should you focus on?
Who comes first?
So let's dive in and answer that for you today!
When you are launching your business, there are many people who need your services. The best way to decide which clients you should focus on is by figuring out the clients who are most profitable for you.

How to Grow Your Income as a Small Business Owner
As a small business owner, one of the struggles you face is how to grow your income. However, the good news is that there are proven methods and strategies for doing just that and we're going to share them with you inside our free training.

Are you looking to finally grow and scale your service based business?
I help service-based business owners get the focus they need to grow and scale their business without all the stress and overwork.
The problem with trying to grow or scale a service-based business is there's no clear path forward, and it's hard to know what’s working and what’s not. So instead of waking up in the morning feeling like you're overwhelmed with tasks that you're not getting done, we work together to put in place a clear strategy that will allow you to be more focused on revenue-generating activities.

How to work your way up from the bottom and develop the confidence you need to be successful
We offer many virtual on-line training programs to help you grow and scale your business. Including our signature program the BEYOND Common Success Essentials Course to help you attract more of your favorite clients, grow your income, and create a better work life balance.
My message is still really simple and the same as always. I help creative service business owners like salon professionals, graphic artists, physical fitness experts, photographers, coaches, etc. get the focus they need to grow and scale their business.

Help for super busy stressed out overwhelmed female business owners!
Hello. My name is Tracey Watts Cirino and I am the founder of Beyond Common Coaching and Training Company and the author of Beyond Common 12 Essentials for Success in Life and in the Workplace. I love to help female business owners that are feeling overwhelmed and super stressed out figure out
"How to" Get the Clarity and focus needed so they can achieve more profitability and have more Joy Happiness in life and really, feel their success and celebrate what their business has made happen for them in their life.

Sparking the creative genius within you!
Have you been guilty of saying I am not creative or slightly envious of your creative friends, or admired artists, musicians or writers?
Don't forget, creativity is so much more than whether you can draw or paint.
In a work situation, it can be about innovation and improvement, and in our personal lives it can relate to coming up with solutions to life’s challenges. Many of us are actually more creative than we realize and there are several ways you can actually boost your creativity and make innovation a key part of your business!

3 things you can do everyday to look and feel your best!

Don't Underestimate the Power of Negative Thinking and what you Need to do as "The Leader to Overcome it!"
Have you ever been so worried about what you should do that you can't finish what you need to do? Or have you ever heard things like "I wish I didn't have to go to work today!" or "God, this day is dragging!" or "That customer was a pain in the neck!" or "I never do anything fun" or "My job sucks the life out of me!" If you've ever had any of those thoughts -- or heard them from your colleagues -- they may be a bigger problem than you realize!
Remember that thoughts become things no matter what!
Think about ways to drive negativity out of your company and rebuild the sunny optimism that you felt the day you decided to become a business owner.

Beyond Common Business Secrets Announces Upcoming Shows

Fire up your Team and Achieve Extraordinary Results
Is your company filled with good people who could improve their performance? Do you see untapped potential in your team members, but aren't sure how to propel their performance to the next level? If so, let's take a minute to reflect on strategies to help you motivate your existing workforce and attract the very best people to your organization moving forward.

Cost Effective Strategies to Grow Sales on a Limited Budget

How can we curb the economic fallout of the......... "She-Cession"?
Women have lost jobs at a higher rate than men, and have been more impacted by the pandemic than men, according to data compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau
The most recent Women in the Workplace Report by management consultants McKinsey & Company found, for the first time, that 1 in 4 women was considering stepping out of the workforce or downshifting their careers. This study of 40,000 employees concluded that if every woman who was considering quitting her job or reducing her workload actually did so, two million women would exit the US workforce. Women in senior roles, working mothers, and women of color were most at risk.

How to Overcome the biggest challenges that female leaders face in business ownership

Mistakes are actually Stepping Stones to Success!
Mistakes are actually Stepping Stones to Success!
Have you ever heard the saying "without failure, there would be no success?" Think about it -- challenges, setbacks and failure are a part of our lives. The key is to learn from mistakes without excessively dwelling on the facts that caused the setback in the first place.
"12 Business Success Secrets" Free Report delivered right to your inbox when you sign up at www.BeyondCommonBusinessSecrets.com
or check out our book Beyond Common 12 Essentials for Success in Life and in the Workplace to get your whole team speaking the same language.
You are also invited to listen to our Podcast: Beyond Common Business Secrets

How to Stop Lying to yourself!
Ever wake up after getting plenty of sleep and yet you feel exhausted? After feeling this way, you realize that something has to radically change, but you aren't sure exactly what.
The first thing to do is be very strong and courageous and not lie to yourself.
- Ask yourself what is working?
- What is not working?
- Is there a gap between where I want to be and where I currently am in my business?
If you need to go outside of your inner circle for that, then that's when you need to do to get a really honest answer and not lie to yourself. You can hire a coach or get an accountability partner outside of your friend circle. We are just not designed to point those things out to ourselves, that is why they are called "blind spots." We all have them in both our personal and professional business life.
Trust me if you already knew how to do it, you would have done it.

Secret to Unlocking hidden Potential to achieve more Growth and Success in your business.
Secret to Unlocking hidden Potential to achieve more Growth and Success in your business.
Have you considered setting up an advisory board for your business?
I am a huge advocate for advisory boards. I have always used them in all of my businesses and I truly believe they are a key link to achieving long-term and sustainable success in your business.
Less than 2.5 percent of all venture capital goes to women and many female business owners face systemic challenges in building their businesses. Scaling a business can be a lonely and challenging endeavor, especially without a deep talent pool to assist. Now, however, many organizations are stepping in to eliminate barriers to success.

How to Look your Best on a Zoom for the Virtual and Remote World.
Avoid the temptation to stay in your pajamas all day—as comfortable as they are, they won’t look professional for your Zoom call, and could give the impression that what you have to say isn't important or that you do not value other people’s time.
Here is the top 5 most important things to do before you go live on Zoom.
- Get Dressed
- Do your hair & Makeup
- Arrive early just like an in person meeting
- Adjust your lighting
- Look people in the and connect just like in person

Goal setting and planning essentials to success, every business owner needs to know.
If you don't take the time to reflect on this and learn from your mistakes, it is going to show up again and again in an uglier way, in a different way until you actually learn the lesson. 😂😂😂😂
One of the biggest mistakes that people make when they’re planning and goal setting is not to take the time to learn from their mistakes. It takes a lot of courage, it takes tremendous heart. It takes you not bullshitting yourself. It takes you not lying to yourself and having the courage to dig deep enough to realize, you know what, this is my fault and I own it!
If you need help getting clarity and focus and starting a practice of reflection.
I have created the Beyond Common Goal-Setting Guidebook and Training to walk you through the step-by-step process.
Everything is broken down 90 day periods because 90 days keeps it top of mind, keeps it fresh, keeps us interested, and we can achieve much more in 90 days than we really think we can by applying these goal-setting principles and essentials so that you can really achieve your best life, and become the best version of yourself. The person you were designed to be.

How to cut expenses like a pro ... creative ideas to eliminate or reduce expenses.

What are you doing to Share the Love on Random Acts of Kindness Day on Wednesday February 17, 2021?

Success tips for business owners who want to know how to get more clients!
Training your team will help you get more clients and stand out from your competition. If you have a team and a culture that supports training and everything that training is about, they share it with the customers you serve.
That is a great tool to walk you through how to set up what training you need and it is going to guide you in a really exciting way just for you.
People often reach out and direct message me all the time on social media and they'll always say, OK, I have a really small budget and I don't know what to do to start training myself or my team. I say to them, the best resource I have is my book Beyond Common,12 Essentials for Success in Life and in the Workplace. This is a really low cost way and it's a very easy read. You could buy a copy for everyone on your team and get the whole team excited about personal and professional development.

The Next Big Thing for Business Owners
I love helping business owners get clarity and focus in their life and business by using their strengths, to achieve beyond common results.
Today, we're going to share the best secrets to investing in yourself and what the most successful business owners and leaders do to get and maintain their competitive edge. The topic of what's that next big thing for business owners is essential to your success.

Beyond Common Business Secrets Podcast Announces Upcoming Shows