How to Grow Your Income as a Small Business Owner

One of the struggles that I used to experience as a highly creative person is decision fatigue in the early stages of growing my business.
I used to find it difficult to figure out what I need to do next, because I wanted to work on so many projects at the same time. This is because I'm highly creative and passionate about many things.
However, this also means that I'm constantly faced with the decision of choosing which project needs my attention more.
If you're a highly creative person like me, then you know very well what I'm talking about.
Making a decision can be difficult for you, especially if you have a lot of projects going on at once.
I have felt this at various stages of my life and business but it was a real struggle when I was just getting started in my career and in the early stages of starting my business. Sometimes, it stems from falling behind because our creative brain is just thinking of new stuff and ideas. Other times it was hard to understand what the actual deliverables are, not having clear expectations with my team, and not giving really clear end results with what my clients would get at the end. It wasn’t until I realized that you could actually put different systems in place to work on auto pilot that would allow you to get into your most creative space. Essentially I figured out how to bridge the gap between systems and utilizing your amazing creativity in a unique and powerful way. That is when everything changed and I was actually able to achieve so much more, in a lot less time. While delivering an extraordinary experience for my clients and helping my team along the way. Tapping into your strengths and aligning them with what your clients needs are is truly the only way to grow your income as a small business owner.
That is why I am so passionate about helping people get the systems and strategies in place in both for their life and business so they won’t have to go through and figure these things out on their own. You must have systems in place to ensure profitability on all your services or you don’t have a business you have a very expensive hobby. I help my clients and students set up effective and efficient systems in every area of their business, whether it’s how you receive your clients, taking your clients on a tour, doing your training, doing hiring gathering your content- you have to have it laid out with everything in one place so that you can share it with all of your clients.
I am so passionate about helping people from this deepest place in my heart and mind because I have suffered from spinning around and chasing my tail on that hamster wheel until I figured this out. This is literally why we created the entire Beyond Common Goal-Setting System, it really walks you through how to get clarity on what you really want? It opens your eyes to see that the decisions are up to you and you just need a clear path to make them. And what ends up happening is you end up having so much more time to pursue things you're really passionate about. These systems will help you automate things so you can spend a majority of your time being creative with how you teach and train people.
There is no limit to how you can use The Beyond Common Success Essentials Framework. It is here to guide you through what works best for you.
Many of us have never taken the time to really think through and ask ourselves what do I like and what makes me happy?
We never give thought to..... "Why am I doing this?" By spending time clarifying your why, your mission, and your vision, we can get to the nitty-gritty of what makes us do what we do, then we can package it in a way that makes your business systems flow so much easier. This is why I do what I do!!
I'm so passionate about helping salon owners, small business owners, and other creative service business owners because I know what it's like to be creative and just be stuck in a loop of thinking you're so busy. You end up feeling like you are not creating an impact on the world, and that you can’t grow, and that you're really not living up to your own expectations of who you really are.
It's in my heart to help people. I have a goal of helping 10,000 small business owners get the tools, strategies, and skills they need to really live their best life.
That is why we do this free training. It is to over-deliver bring you so much value so that you could literally walk away knowing that you can start living your best life you have a map and have a plan for what to do next.
Join our free 3 day grow your business training and challenge yourself to grow past your current comfort zone and learn the new strategies and skills that will help get you there so much faster than ever before.
I cannot wait to see you inside the training. Click the link below to reserve your seat and join us for this amazing 3 day training link to sign up
with Love 💕 & Gratitude,
Tracey Watts Cirino
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