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How to Achieve the results you expected from setting your goals!!

Beyond Common Goal Setting Training
Beyond Common Goal Setting GuideBook Training

6 Month Business Checkin!! It is time to ask yourself.......

Where are you at? Do you know your numbers? 

How to Achieve the results you expected from setting your goals!!

This is the time of year when everybody starts to get nervous if they haven't accomplished all the goals they set out to do at the beginning of the year. Or they start feeling like yeah I've done so much and this year is amazing. If you have that type of momentum going it's really great to do a reset and really double down and set your goals again. So that you can accomplish even more by the end of the year. When I work with my coaching clients one of the things we dive deep into is the fact that everybody often overestimates what they can accomplish in a day. That's why our to-do list is never-ending sometimes. 😂

 But we underestimate what we can accomplish in 90 days, 6 months, in one year, in five years in 10 years. 

So once you find what works for you then you can continue to build that momentum and really accomplish everything that you want to do in your life and business. 

Remember to treat yourself with kindness because it doesn't really matter where you start but you need to know and be clear about where you are.

Let’s just start wherever you are!!

 If you're somebody that set a bunch of goals at the beginning of the year but hasn't looked at them. It's probably time that you develop a strategic action plan.  Make an appointment on your calendar to spend some time clarifying what your….

 The top three biggest goals are and then what steps you will take to make those happen.

*Remember numbers don’t lie but people do 😂😂 so when you  put a specific number on your goals you know what to measure.

 It's so simple that we don't need to over-complicate it.

 If you're somebody that is like yes I've been crushing my goals this year then decide your next 3 biggest goals that you want to accomplish for the rest of the year.  Then make a list of the actions it will take to accomplish them.

 The act of goal-setting itself does not actually make you achieve your goals, you have to apply the action that is necessary so that you can get the results you are looking for and feel accomplished that you fulfilled your goal. 

If this is an area that you struggle with or you are ready to take your results to the next level Check out the Beyond Common goal-setting guidebook training there's even a quick start training to help you get a quick WIN so that you start building that momentum that you need to completely crush your goals. This training will help you get organized so that you can get laser-focused on what you really want and plan out the steps you'll need to take for your own personal goal crushing  Map which is the (Massive Action Plan.)

Get access to achieving more of your goals this year than ever before with the 

 Beyond Common goal-setting guidebook training 

Thanks for being here!

Tracey Watts Cirino


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