Help for super busy stressed out overwhelmed female business owners!

Are you a super busy stressed out overwhelmed business owner?
You have achieved some success but every day you're wondering. Am I doing the right thing or what's that never-ending to-do list for me today?
That was me for so many years. If that's you, you are in the right place and I want to help you with a simple little checklist. I created it for myself about 10 years ago. That has worked wonders for me and every time I feel like things are going off the rails. I realize I'm forgetting to use my checklist.
Hello. My name is Tracey Watts Cirino and I am the founder of Beyond Common Coaching and Training Company and the author of Beyond Common 12 Essentials for Success in Life and in the Workplace. I love to help female business owners that are feeling overwhelmed and super stressed out figure out
"How to" Get the Clarity and focus needed so they can achieve more profitability and have more Joy Happiness in life and really, feel their success and celebrate what their business has made happen for them in their life.
Often we just get stuck. Our wheels get stuck in the mud and spokes of life just being busy and thinking "oh being busy and growth is all that matters."
When you take a step back it will totally change the game for you.
A few years ago. I started writing honestly 10 years ago. I started writing things down. I started writing everything down. I would carry this little pocket checklist when I was working face-to-face taking care of our clients and team members every day.
Now that my business is a lot more virtual. We do lots of online training and coaching. We do the podcast every week on the YouTube show now and we are about to launch another book called Women who Shine.
It is a little bit different but I still have to use this checklist because it just helps me stop being so busy doing all the things and it forces me to pause and get really clear on what is most important to move the needle and drive results in my businesses.
Are you ready? Here are the things, when you want to create and prioritize your daily checklist, the number one thing to ask yourself and this is true whether you're just starting out in business or you've been in business a while and it's just kind of successful and you're getting stretched in every direction.
You need to ask yourself. Which Item on your never-ending to-do list is closest to the money, what item is closest to the money?
That's going to be your 1st priority. Then make sure whatever is closest to the money and aligns perfectly with your vision. Your vision and mission for whether it's personal or business. That's The Sweet Spot of where you should start. I know it seems like I don't even have an extra five minutes.
How am I gonna do this?
I'm telling you to take the extra moment and do this. It will change all the time.
Ask yourself what is closest to the money? Is it a short-term or long-term goal or project? You need to figure out what's closest to the money. And then how does it directly relate to your vision and Mission? After you decide on the task that seems to be most important because of those two really important factors.
Then you want to ask yourself two, very important questions and get in the habit of doing this all the time.
What do you need to do to make it happen?
Write on your to-do list. I need to record an awesome podcast. What else? Because that's so vague. For your podcast you need to do some research.
You need to figure out where and when you're recording it and editing it.
Then you have to know where you will be hosting it? You have to know who is publishing it. Who's doing the edits. There are a lot of steps in the process.
As Super busy stressed out entrepreneurs we are guilty of writing down some general thing. I'm telling you when you take the extra five minutes and write out the steps that are necessary to accomplish this to do list item. you will save yourself a ton of time and energy on the back end because you will be clear on what needs to get done. This is really the only thing I'm going to be doing for the next day and a half unless you're able to delegate certain tasks to people on your team. That Is a whole other conversation and list of questions that you're going to discuss with the person you're delegating to . The next thing is how will you do this or who is doing it?
Will I delegate it to someone else? You'll need to write down the steps of exactly what you're going to do now that you know. Often you realize there are so many steps required. You're going to write down what you're going to do or who you're going to delegate it to when you're going to have the delegation conversation and how you're going to have that conversation. Whew, I know it seems counterintuitive.
You have no time and I'm asking you to take more time to do this, but I'm telling you it will be a game changer that is so worth the extra effort.
Then from there you're going to say. Okay, what are the action steps? What’s my action steps? What is my staff member doing? My team members' action steps?
Then you'll both sign off on what you're doing and then you're off to the races.
If you need more help walking yourself through this. I've created the Beyond Common Goal Setting Guidebook Training that walks you through this whole
high-level process. You will learn exactly what to do and when to do it when it comes to setting up your day for success. If you're ready to get results quicker than ever and faster than you have been able to do before by knowing every day exactly what needs to happen next. Then our Beyond Common Goal Setting Guide Training is for you!!
By writing out what all the possible steps are and the steps that are required. You figure out what's possible. Until next you're ready to have that totally step-by-step written out so you can train the Next person how to do it and then you can start training others to take on other tasks.
The Beyond Common Goal Setting Guidebook training is amazing. It will help you get all your brain dumping from the top-level down so that this taking action stuff will be so easy for you. There's two different ways to get it. This is something that I walk my high-level business owner clients through all the time and typically I charge well over $1000 for this type of work. To work with them 1 on 1.
However, because so many business owners need help, support and guidance right now. I want to give back to the business owner community.
I've created a Quick Start version of the goal-setting guidebook that you can just go through and start applying it right away as mini training. That is a very low cost way to go through the process with me virtually. If you need more help on how to do the Beyond Common Goal Setting Process steps I also have the full training available right now for a very low cost.
I strongly encourage you if you need more help with setting up your systems and strategies go now and get the Beyond Common Goal-setting Guidebook and training because it is going to be a game changer for you. And if you love this kind of content and want more help with how to get yourself out of that overwhelm and lead you to more clarity and focus in both your life and business.
Subscribe to our blog and comment below. Let us know. You liked this and what else you'd like us to cover. We're here to serve you. We want you to know that we're here in your corner as support for female business owners who need more clarity and focus. Now more than ever do not isolate yourself. Do not do it alone. We are here for you. Take care of yourself and subscribe, and I'll see you on the next one.
With Gratitude,
Tracey Watts Cirino