How to create consistency in your everyday work flows.

How to create consistently in your everyday work flows.
Would you like more consistency when it comes to the workflow that is happening in your business? I know. I was always looking for that.
Hello, my name is Tracey Watts Cirino, and I am the owner and founder of Beyond Common Coaching and training company, and the author of Beyond Common, 12 Essentials for success in life, and in the workplace. I struggled with knowing what I should do everyday when it comes to running my business with consistent systems that are set up to have you win at profitability and have your team win at being accountable to getting the right things done on the list. As a business owner, you have to set the tone so that your entire team can follow this through based on your company mission vision. And why, your company exists?
For years, I struggled with this until I was able to get that Clarity and focus I needed to be working on the right things that really move the needle so that you can grow and scale your business. So, the best thing that I found for this is my goal setting guidebook. We have an entire training called the Beyond Common goal-setting guidebook training and it starts off first with the Beyond Common Quick. Start, Goal Setting training.
I have found that if you can structure your To do list into things that give you a quick win. You are 87% more likely to continue through the goal setting process to make sure that you set up your own life automations and your business operational systems in a way that's going to work best with your strengths. That's what it's all about.
First things first. First is getting every Everything written down, Get Really Clear on why you do what you do. Why is it important to you?
How do you serve your customers, better than anyone else? An example is like this. At Beyond Common Coaching and Training Co. We work really hard to, Inspire and Empower female business owners, leaders, and entrepreneurs to look and feel their best so that they can run their company's with confidence and show up for all the things that they need to do. Whether it's mom's life stuff or business stuff, being on camera, doing a huge presentation or doing payroll.
All the things that you need to do and You need to have confidence with everything that we do on a daily basis to run our businesses.
Working with us at Beyond Common is about setting you up with getting things done so that you feel more confident and you're able to deliver on them.
When you structure your life, this way, you are able to run your business in a way that's more profitable. And it definitely helps Drive the results that allow you to scale more quickly. Everything that we do at Beyond Common is about setting up these types of systems and strategies because we know that the more confident you are in what you do every day in your business, the greater impact you're able to have in the world. That is what our mission and vision is totally based on so that we can help you achieve those results that you've been looking for. That's what we do. I encourage you to take the first step in this process of getting clear on your goals.
Go to to get your goal-setting quickstart training.
Then you can get your very own training on the Beyond Common
Goal Setting Quick Start. And by doing this, it'll walk you through the training and in the workbook, all the things that you need to do. I strongly encourage you. That's the best place to start. Get everything written down so that you can clearly Define.
What is most important to you?
Why do you get up every day?
Why do you do what you do by, clearly defining, all of these things and then teaching them to your team. You will have so much more success and be able to systematize so many things. So that everyone on your team is working in the same direction that is most important in all areas of life, even at home, you know, your kids need to know. Why is it important that they brush their teeth?
Why is it important that they like to hang up their coat and not leave muddy shoes in the walkway?
These are things that are important for the greater good of everybody, but when they know those things they're better at contributing to the family Dynamics, even if They're little. They don't want to hurt anybody, they don't want them to break their leg. So having them know why is really important, whether it's in business, or at home with your children is how you can forge ahead and create strong leadership. So I encourage you to go ahead and get your Beyond Common Goal Setting, Quick Start and comment below on what else you need help with when it comes to your Goal Setting and we will continue to post more videos like this.
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We're so excited that you're here, and again, our entire Mission and, passion for business is to help you the female entrepreneur and business owner to have the confidence you need to look and feel your best so that you are able to continuously show up in the way that you need in both your life and business, we're here to serve you in every way and can't wait to you have the opportunity to work with you.
Thanks so much for being here and reading our blog!
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with Gratitude,
Tracey Watts Cirino